As I was away for this session I asked for a member of the group to write this month session report. Many thanks to Leigh.
Chris Hare came along for the evening which was a nice surprise. He talked to us about he song he has recently learnt which has many verses. He sang a few of them for us 'Goodbye, Fare Thee Well'.
Emily taught us a new round 'To Portsmouth!' from Ravenscroft's Pammelia 1609
To Portsmouth, to Portsmouth, it is a gallant town!
And there we will have a quart of wine,
With a nutmeg brown diddle down.
The gallant ship the Mermaid, the Lion hanging stout,
Will make us to spend there our sixteen pence all out!
I passed round the marlinspike for everyone to hold. It is surprisingly heavy and would be handy for repelling all boarders as well as splicing rope. I waved it aloft at the appropriate moment of the chorus when we sang Old Fid.
As we are so near to Christmas the evening ended with some carols - Sweet Chiming Bells, Pentonville and Hark the Herald. As we had sung our two different versions of While Shepherds Watched, I suggested we also sang the "On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at" version. To our surprise Emily had never heard of 'On Ilkley Moor' - she must be too young! - so we sang a her a bit of that too and the evening ended in jollity and disarray.