Sunday, 24 March 2019

Latest News

Next Practice Session

The next Secret Shore Shanty will take place on Tuesday 26th March at Ye Old House at Home, Broadwater.

Session will commence from 8pm, come along a bit earlier to have a chat with others singers and grab yourself a seat.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Littlehampton Waterfront Festival 2019
Confirmation has been received that this year's festival will now take place on Sunday 18th August. Invitation has now been extended to Secret Shore Singers to perform during the event. Further details will be added as more detailed planning is released.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Memories from the past

Southdowns Folk Festival 2018. The Secret Shore battling through the bad weather

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Secret Shore Singers Meeting-Tuesday 12th March
This extra session took place at Emily's house; thanks to Emily, Jonny and the girls for allowing it to take place. It was a solid turn out for fellow Shanty Singers for this gathering. As we have no  confirmed performances for the next couple of months we had an open floor to what songs we would like to sing, plus the opportunity to learn a new song. We started off the evening with a hearty version of  'The Bonny Ship the Diamond', closely followed by John Kanaka. After this we went over the new song introduced in February, Loyal Lover. A beautiful, deep song echoing through Winchester Road. We were then introduced to a new song introduced by Steve A, 'It's Time to Go Now' which could be a serious contender for a song to add to our repertoire
 for future use at sessions and performances whenever needed! 
During the break, where we were bombarded by refreshments including lovely cakes and biscuits curtesy of Emily and members of the group.
After the break we had another run through of the new song to practice the melody and various harmonies. After this we were treated to two new songs from our members. The first song was provided by David G which he had recently heard at a SDFS (Chichester Group) meeting. David introduced  us to 'Bold Riley.. To finish off the evening we were provided with a song from Johnny who had identified a Smuggling song within the Oxford Book of Sea Songs. Though the words were included in the book but the music was not available within the book or on the Internet. Therefore Jonny had used his amazing musical skills to put the  words to music. 'The Smugglers Victory' is descriptive and detailed song about Smugglers getting the 'upper hand' of the Preventive Men along the coast of Bognor. A lovely evening bringing much song and fun. Thanks to all for making a wonderful night.
Only a few left. A bargain at £6 + pxp. Let me know If interested.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

February Shanty session at the Ye Old House at Home, Worthing