During the evening we will practicing the following songs which be used to compile the sets for the August events:
- Bonny ship the Diamond
- Bold Riley (maybe if we practice it again next tues, it was sounding nice last eve!)
- Here's a Health
- It's time to Go Now
- John Kanaka
- Leave her Jonny
- Littlehampton Colliers
- Mingulay
- Sweet Ladies of Plymouth
- Old Fid
- Pleasant and Delightful (if we need it which we may not)
- Randy Dandy O (with another practice perhaps)
- Roll the Chariot
- Rollin' Down to Old Maui
- Roll Alabama
- Spanish Ladies
I think we should have a
sing of Mollymawk and see if we feel confident enough about it but it might not
be ready yet?
An email will be issued to members containing the actual sets for the different gigs. They will also be listed here along with all the necessary info about the where's and when's.