Wednesday, 31 July 2019

The next practice night has been arranged to go through the songs for the forthcoming events. The sessions will take place at Emily's house on Tuesday 13th August. 7:30pm for an 8pm start. An email will be circulated with the address details.

During the evening we will practicing the following songs which be used to compile the sets for the August events:
  • Bonny ship the Diamond
  • Bold Riley (maybe if we practice it again next tues, it was sounding nice last eve!)
  • Here's a Health
  • It's time to Go Now
  • John Kanaka
  • Leave her Jonny
  • Littlehampton Colliers
  • Mingulay
  • Sweet Ladies of Plymouth
  • Old Fid
  • Pleasant and Delightful (if we need it which we may not)
  • Randy Dandy O (with another practice perhaps)
  • Roll the Chariot
  • Rollin' Down to Old Maui
  • Roll Alabama
  • Spanish Ladies

I think we should have a sing of Mollymawk and see if we feel confident enough about it but it might not be ready yet?

An email will be issued to members containing the actual sets for the different gigs. They will also be listed here along with all the necessary info about the where's and when's. 

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Update to Songbook

Last Version of the Secret Shore Singers Songbook available. New songs added to align with the last Shanty Session.

Bold Riley
We Three Jolly Fisherman

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Littlehampton Waterfront Festival

Littlehampton Waterfront Festival schedule has now arrived. We currently have 26 people on the 'singers' list.

The full event will last from 11am to 5pm but we will not be expected to perform for the whole that time. We have 4 sets consisting of 20 minutes for each set.

Timings and stand locations

1100 to 1120
Just east of the Public Slipway at the lifeboat station (there is an area against the railings overlooking the slipway from the east)

1215 to 1235
Harbour Office Garden

1315 to 1335
Erica’s Deck/Visitors Pontoon – making the most of the higher tide so that you can be seen/heard

1445 to 1505
Harbour Office Garden

1.  ERICA is Harbour Working Boat which will be moored in a pontoon on the River. Erica can only accommodate about 10 on her deck. The pontoon she will be tied up on is quite narrow and will be the main thoroughfare for visitors but they will temporarily close the pontoon to visitors during one out performance therefore they are able to accommodate us all along the pontoon and the Erica’s Deck. 

2. It has been suggested by the event organisers that we meet for each in the Harbour Office garden 5 minutes before each timing so that you can move down together? Particularly for the performance from the pontoon, it would need to be in coordination with event marshals.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

July Shanty Report

Due to changes to the darts fixtures at the YOHAH there was and to reschedule the Shanty Session for July to the 9th July. The upside of this is we have managed to secure an additional session in July; on Tuesday 30th July. As a consequence we had a number of emails saying people may not be able to attend this session. It was quite  surprise when we had 27 members turn up!!
The evening started on time by Emily who gave an update on current scheduled appearances of the SSS at Arundel, Littlehampton, Newhaven and SDFF. She also explained about the format of the Big Sing which 7 groups will be singing two songs at the South Downs Folk Festival together.
All the notices out of the way we started the singing with a hearty version of 'High Barbaree'. This was quickly followed up by a rendition of 'John Kanaka' where each verse was sung by individuals within the group. At this point of the evening we were introduced to a new song by David G, the song being 'Bold Riley'. David explained the format of the song and sang it through to the group. We all then joined in a group version of the song. Emily asked if it was something we were interested in introducing into our repertoire; the general consensus was yes. Following on closely the group sung a harmony version of 'Old Fid', We then through a version of the new song from the last session, 'Duke William' which was a Belloc, Broadwood and Beyond song but with reference to ships in the song it was considered suitable for the Shanty Sessions. After a well deserved refreshment break we were introduced to one of the songs for the Big Sing. The song called 'Ole Leloila'. The song which is a Yolk is a form of singing used by the Sami reindeer herders of Northern Finland to evoke a feeling, or expression of desire. A Yolk is a chant of sorts; it can have real words or just sounds or a combination of both. The song was run through by Emily then it was broken down into a rounds. We manage 3 separate groups to sing as a round. A copy of the recording is at the base of this report.
This song was followed up by singing another of last months new songs, Randy Dandy-o.
We now introduced to a second of David G's new songs, the song being 'We 3 Jolly Fisherman' a song picked up in Whitby by David. The group had a go at the song and it was received with acknowledgement. The final part of the evening was taken by the singing of the 'Mingulay Boat Song' and a further run through of 'Ole Leloila. The evening being over the group set sail and may fast their passage to their Home Port.

Listen to Ole Leloila Here

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Change to Shanty session dates for July

Due to other events at Ye Olde House at Home the date for this months Shanty Session needs to change. The revised date is the 9th July. We have however been offered an additional practice session on 30th as well. We will therefore have 2 practices for month of July. Please pass this onto other members.